Sunday, January 24, 2021


 Either Romeo broke out of his own place or the other goats broke him out. I went out to check on the little babies and noticed his gate was opened. He was out in the field grazing. I left him out there. He was acting like he was enjoying himself. He was alone though. Later I was out feeding and Ronnie said we either needed to put him back in his place or move him into the other field. We didn’t want to put him in with the babies just yet since they aren’t used to being here yet. I didn’t want to stress them more at this time. I didn’t want Romeo out in the other field alone due to possible predators out there. I’m careful about that because you never know. Anyway. I asked him what happened and he said he watched Hercules ran into the side of Romeo again and knock him over. The good thing is Romeo was able to get up this time on his own. That’s progress. However, Ronnie and I both think Romeo needs more time to heal before dealing with Hercules. It’s really sad. I gave Romeo some more supplements today to help him. He is gaining weight which makes me happy. I’m still praying for a full recovery. He is so much better than he was and I’m grateful for that. I want to wait a few more days before putting him in with the babies. 

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