Saturday, January 30, 2021


 Ronnie and I have been super busy today. When we got home earlier, all of the goats and donkeys were at the back of the property down by the pigs, except for Hercules. He isn’t sick or anything but he just seems sad. Am I crazy to think he is mourning Romeo?? We have had a bit of a wind/dust storm which is a post all on its own. The lean to where we had Romeo is now upside down a few feet from where it was sitting upright, Hercules has been laying in the straw where Romeo was. I feel like Hercules is missing him. Hercules was Romeo’s dad. I went out and sat with him a little today. We took a few selfies and then he got up and joined the rest of the crew. I feel for Hercules if that is what is going on. I miss Romeo, too. 

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