Thursday, January 28, 2021


 So, as you have seen, I have been sad because of Romeo. I had a minor little break down after I found him. I walked over and just sat in the field and cried for a few minutes. Animals can feel our emotions. Noma and Pete stood and stared at me with ears straight up. Cracker Jack walked a wide path around me but watched me. Carlos came over and checked on me. Lucky has never been friendly so he just walked past me. Hercules, however, he came right over to me and was in my face. It was like he knew I needed a hug or something. He definitely knew I needed a laugh. He started making faces and he he was nuzzling my ear. He is truly an amazing animal. He works my nerves sometimes but he is a blessing. I felt a little better after that encounter. I was able to get up and finish the chores that needed to be finished. Ronnie came home and Romeo was buried that night. Hercules made me feel better. He knew what I needed. 

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