Saturday, January 16, 2021

Noma with Attitude

 So, my dear Noma I do believe is starting to feel better. She may be a bit sassy. I came home the other day from work and Ronnie was telling me Noma had been down and he went out to give her some supplements. He said she saw the drench gun and jumped right up. Today we had a few errands to run and when we left her and Pete and actually all the animals were laying out in the sun. When we got home, she was still in the same spot. So, I go to get the drench gun to give her the supplements. I said her name before I went to get the drench gun and I saw her trying to get up as I walked in the gate. She got right up. Apparently, she does not like the supplements. We had to get feed today for all 33 animals we have here now and I got some treats that have some supplements in them she needs. She actually ate them out of my hand. I’m not sure we are out of the woods with Noma yet, but she is better and she has an attitude which makes me like her more.