Monday, January 4, 2021

Noma and Pete update

 Last night I was nervous about Noma. She was really struggling and could not get up. Pete came over and tried to get her up, I tried to get her up, the goats were all around her and she wouldn’t get up. I was nervous. That’s me though, I think the worst, probably so I guard my heart a little. Ronnie told me to relax that she was fine, just tired. She would still hold her ears up when I went over to the fence and said her name. He said she would get up after she rested some. I went out to check on her late last night and sure enough, she was up. I couldn’t find her since she wasn’t in the lean to or the barn, but she was up and about which made me happy. She was up this morning when I went out to feed and she let me pet her while she was standing up which she does not usually do. This girl deserves the happiness she is now living. I want her to enjoy it for a long time. I need to learn to not panic... 

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