Sunday, January 17, 2021

Mattie’s Mountain

 I do not think I have mentioned this here on my blog. I did talk about it in my book. It is also mentioned in the children’s book coming out this year and the next book I will hopefully get out at the end of the year, if I can get it finished that is. This is a long post but hang in with me until the end. In February of 2019, I got a frantic call from a friend of mine. We have been friends since we were 5. We have had each other’s backs through more than I ever care to share. She was calling me to tell me her brother had committed suicide. He had a long fight with drugs and depression. He had lost his fight that day. No one ever wants to go through that. These people are family to me. After this happened, it was like God was telling me I needed to help others in this situation. Long story short, (the long version is in my book on Amazon) I am working on a nonprofit to help with kids and teenagers who have depression and suicidal thought. This is becoming a bigger problem than ever. I would like to help. So, right after Matthew passed away, my husband and I started bringing in animals to our farm. The majority of them have been rescued and all have a story to be heard, same as these kids. I am going to bring these animals and these kids together and help with their pain and depression. I am working on my 501c3 to get this going. I am working on the logistics of how this will work. I will welcome any and all advice. I have written a book to help with some of the cost and it is doing well. I had self published some books that funded me rescuing some donkeys from a kill pen. I believe this is what I am meant to do. I believe these kids need something positive to focus on. I know God has a plan and I’m getting bits and pieces at a time. Today is Matthew’s birthday and I felt like this was a good time to share this. I do have permission and support from his family and they will be involved in this process. Matthew’s story needs to be heard, as well as other stories. If anyone has a story they would like shared, contact me. I feel like big things are coming. Please help me pray about this and what needs to be done. These animals will play a big part in this nonprofit. I’m excited to get things going. I want to thank those of you reading who have helped and who are going to help. 


  1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this all in Matthew's memory. You were my rock during the hardest days of my life. Losing a loved one is always hard, but losing someone so special to suicide is even harder. I have said many times "if Matthew's story can help save one person, it is all worth it."

    I love you and can't wait to see Mattie's Mountain come to life.
