Saturday, January 9, 2021


 Well, we have more snow coming in. Where did I move?? Good grief. It is supposed to start snowing again tonight. Ronnie and I worked on putting straw in houses and hay in the barn. Just making sure all of the animals will be warm and dry. The animals know when it’s supposed to snow or at least when the weather changes. Noma and Pete usually go away from the house and the barn during the day but they have stayed up by the barn all day. They were all in the barn when I came in tonight. The pigs were building their nests with new straw when I came in. They know when something is happening. I’m grateful those donkeys are in the barn with the rest of them and the pigs were settling in. I don’t worry about the chickens too much, I think George learned his lesson and I saw him in his house tonight before I came in. I will check in the morning to make sure he isn’t stranded in the snow again. 

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