Saturday, January 23, 2021

This morning

 I think Noma might be starting to warm up some. She was eating out of my hand a few days ago. This morning I went out to check on Romeo. I walked over to where he was and all of the other animals followed me, including Noma and Pete. This was a huge step this morning. I usually inch my way toward them. This morning, they came to me. I wish I had a picture. I was crouched down talking to Cracker Jack, yes I talk to my animals and I never said I was a sane person. I looked up and Noma is coming toward me, moving goats out of the way to get to me. She stopped close to my face and stared me in the eyes for a few seconds and then she walked away. I didn’t want to scare her with my phone trying to get a pic of how close she was. This may seem like a small thing but to me this is huge. I stood up and walked to her, but she still does not like to be petted or anyone to be close to her if she is up. It does make me curious to why that is but I will never know that. Pete still does not want much to do with me but he is coming closer also. It’s a big step for these animals. 

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