Monday, May 9, 2022

Another Surprise??

Ronnie and I were looking out in the backyard across the farm. I commented that Josephine had brought her babies out into the back where all the other chickens are. Right after I said that Ronnie and I were doing some other stuff around the house and Ronnie went out front. He came back in and said, that chicken sure got her babies back in the front fast. When he said that, I looked back in the backyard and the chickens were still there. I walked out front and there was Josephine with her 6 babies. I went out back and saw it wasn’t Josephine back in the backyard. That chicken was Rena, who I thought was missing, and she had 11 babies with her. Now we have 17 baby chickens running around the farm. That was definitely a big surprise. Hopefully there won’t be too many more surprises such as that. 

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