Sunday, May 29, 2022

Now I know

I wondered where the bigger baby chicks were roosting. I did not question it much but I wondered. Chickens have to roost somewhere to reduce the risk of predators. There are 5 of the bigger chicks that have survived and they are not with Josephine anymore. They are doing their own thing. As I walked by the bushes in the front by the house, I noticed the inside of the bushes looked rough. It looked like the bushes were dying on the inside. As I got closer, I heard something in the bushes which made me jump back. I then decided to look closer and it seems the baby chicks are roosting in the bush up front. That is probably not the best spot to roost but at least they know enough to roost somewhere. This picture is the best photo ever. I laughed so hard when I took it. The chicken was not amused which is evident on the chick’s face. 

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