Saturday, May 14, 2022

More Storms

More storms were coming in. We needed the rain desperately. Ronnie was still at work. I started seeing the wind change rapidly. This wind was strong. I am not sure I can describe how hard this wind was blowing. I went out the side door to get to the dogs to let them in but the wind was too strong for me to get them. I had to bring them through the house and into the laundry room to get them in the house. That’s how strong the wind was. We had a PortAHut out in the yard and that thing was blown over. Luckily there were no animals in there. I was concerned the PortAHut in the sheep pen was going to blow over with them in it. Then the rain started. It didn’t last but a couple of hours but that wind stayed moving. The weather can get crazy out here in a split second. All the animals were fine and there was no damage to anything out here. 

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