Monday, May 9, 2022

What a Nightmare

I am going to try to give you as much detail on this as I possibly can. We had to move animals around for some up coming surgeries. Ronnie and I had cleaned out pens, got more water troughs for the animals, etc. The last thing to do was to move animals around. This is not easy for us since not many of these animals are halter broke. It’s a nightmare. So, Ronnie and I saw Pete and Ned up by the barn, we needed to shut the gate on them and keep them in the barn for the night. They went in the barn on their own. That part was easy. Ronnie just had to shut the gate. That was fine. Now, we had to get Noma and Mattie out of the pen and move Pedro to the bigger pen and get Red over from the pasture and into that pen. Let’s just say, that was not an easy task. Noma and Mattie ran out of the pen with no problem. Red started showing signs of distress once Ned and Pete were locked in the barn and he was not in there. He started running around and kicking. I got some treats out and simply walked him over. Hercules ended up coming with him, but that was okay. Red ran over to Pedro and they started beating at each other like they missed each other. Then it turned into Pedro throwing his ears back and trying to attack Red. He was even trying to get somewhat over the fencing to get to Red. Well, that turned ugly fast. We had to figure out what to do now. Then Red sees Noma and goes after her. She is fighting with everything she has to get away from him, but poor girl couldn’t get away. They ended up in the small lean to where Pedro had been. Ronnie shut the gate until Noma could get over to the gate to get out. He let her run out and I shut the gate on Red right before he got out. Hercules wanted no part in whatever was happening and I was able to open the gate to the pasture and he went back over with no problem. The rest of the night, Red and Pedro were braying around each all night long. Ronnie and I were exhausted, but it was done. 


  1. Never a dull moment on your farm!🐣🐖🐐😻

  2. That is correct!!!
