Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Never In A Million Years

I walked through the pasture checking on the donkeys in the heat of the day. Ned wanted nothing to do with me which was odd. I didn’t realize Pedro and Pete were in the barn. Ned wanted nothing to do with me because Pedro was close. Pedro still went after Ned even though Ned didn’t get close to me. While Pedro was chasing Ned, something happened that I never thought in a million years would happen. Pete stepped out of the barn and walked right to me. He stopped right in front of me and stood there. I started petting him and he never moved. I was even able to kiss his nose. This is a huge thing. I never thought he would let me that close, but he did. He is starting to like me, finally. It makes me so happy that all that hard work has paid off. Now if we can just get Noma to like us.