Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Oh Jelly

Ronnie and I let the dog out last night for the last time before bed. Pepper was just standing in one spot and kept looking at me. I then hear a cat hissing. I look over and see Jelly. I move Pepper along so Jelly can go around Pepper. I then go in the shop and wait for Jelly. Sure enough, he jumps in the window a few minutes after that. He goes over to the bowl and starts eating. Here comes the kittens, watching Jelly closely. Jelly had the bowl so close to him it was about to tip over. He would look up at the kittens and growl and hiss and then go back to eating. He stopped eating and then jumped up on some stuff we have in the shop to watch the kittens. He then decided he wanted more to eat and jumped back down. I’m just so happy to see him now. I went over and picked him up and loved on him. I want him to know that he is still my cat and this is still his home even though there are kittens in the barn with him. Jelly was still here the next morning so maybe he really is here to stay. He really hates the kittens though. Hopefully when they get bigger the other cats won’t hate them as much. 

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