Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Lost Cow (Not Ours)

There is a cow in the pasture across the road, which is a highway, that knows how to come and go from the fence. He comes and goes as he pleases. He kind of scares me a little since he is getting closer and closer to the road. He runs back to the fence whenever a car comes by. I don’t want to see him get hit by a care. He is a calf, cannot be very old. Bless his little heart, he needs to not be getting out anymore. He does it every day though. Our goats have started noticing him and they are trying to entice him to come over. I hope he doesn’t. I have called a neighbor to find out who owns the cows and she knew but the cows always get back in the fence. This is a cute little cow. I hope he stays on his side of the road. 

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