Sunday, May 29, 2022


Keyanna is one fearless kitten. I truly hope she starts to get some more common sense and stops being so fearless. It may be good she is fearless but not to the point of being reckless. This cat walks through the 3 big dogs like it’s no big deal. She tries to eat out of the dog bowl while the dog is eating. That’s crazy. That will get her hurt. She gets right up behind the donkeys like they won’t step on her. She is in and out of all the pens and the pastures without a care in the world.  I mean she scares me with all of that. Ronnie thinks we should rename her Athena like the Greek goddess. This kitten is truly fearless. Princess is a little more reserved on that stuff and stays back behind Keyanna. She is not as fearless. I guess we will see what happens next with these 2.