Tuesday, May 31, 2022

More Visitors

I had a friend call and say her and her family wanted some time with the animals for their mental health. We all need to practice good mental health practices. I know the animals help with mental health. These guys love coming to see the animals. They had not met the sheep yet, so they got some fun time in with sheep. They got to love on Red which they had not done except through the fence. One of them caught a chicken to love on, not sure the chicken liked it but I make the chickens love me just like that also. They tolerated it. They got to see the baby chicks and the kids even got to catch one to love on. It was funny to watch the determination on their faces to catch a baby, but they were able to. They always have smiles on their faces out here with the animals. I’m so glad they come out and hang out with the animals. 

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