Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Dangers of Halters

You hear the dangers of halters and not keeping them on your animals when they are out in the pasture. I understand that. We had left a lead rope and halter on Red while he was in the pen to help halter break him in case we need to take him to the vet or whatever. Usually the vet comes to us but you just never know. A few days ago, I went to feed and his halter was off, we left one on him that he could get out of since we didn’t have it on tight. I was looking around and sure enough, it was caught on a T-post. Looks like the part that was wrapped around his ears was what was caught. I have no idea how that even happened. I am grateful that Red was able to get it off without injuring himself. I knew there was a risk and that’s why that halter was on him. I will never again leave a halter on an animal. Now that I have said that, I need to hurry and get Mattie halter broke so I can take his off. 

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