Monday, May 9, 2022

Mattie’s Halter

Mattie and Noma have been in a pen for weeks. This was for protection for Noma after Red and Pedro jumped the pasture fence. We had to let them out. Mattie needed to run. Before we let them go, we needed to get a halter on Mattie to go ahead and halter train him. We have gone through so much since our other donkeys, except Cracker are not halter broke. Mattie did not give it up without a fight. We tried so hard to not do anything drastic, but Mattie would not calm down. Ronnie ended up having to rope him. I hated every minute of it. I almost cried. To hear Ronnie tell the story he almost lost his wife over roping that baby. I’m not sure it was that bad but I was upset. We did get the halter on Mattie, so training has started. He hated it for a bit but he is over it now. Being let out of the pen has helped that. He is running like crazy. 

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