Sunday, May 22, 2022

Exciting Morning (Sarcasm)

When you wake up to chaos, you know it’s going to be a rough day. I had been exhausted lately, probably from the hot weather. I slept until almost ten in the morning which is not something I normally do. I got up and was hearing stuff going on outside. Donkeys braying loudly and some of it sounded like one of the donkeys was hurt. Ronnie was asleep in the recliner. He had been up to feed and was exhausted as well. I woke him up and ran to get my boots. Pedro had decided he had had enough of being in that pen and he got out. Of course he was screaming at Red and chasing Noma. He finally calmed down after Ronnie cornered him and I was able to get his lead rope since we had been working on halter training and lead him over to the pasture. He was going back over there this week anyway since he was healed. He just made a rather dramatic exit from the pen and back into the pasture. I will say, the tables have turned. Now Pedro is acting like Red did when he was braying all the time and being away from the rest. I’m ready for them to all be normal and get back to where they are supposed to be. 

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