Saturday, May 14, 2022


I watched something I had no thoughts I would ever see. As I was feeding and watering, I heard a commotion in the front yard. It sounded like something was in distress. As I ran to the front and see a hawk swooping down at the baby chicks and one mad hen running after the hawk. Luckily that hen made such a commotion the hawk fly away. He didn’t go far but then finally left. Both hens with chicks were up front and all the baby chicks were up front. The chicks were terrified and running around every which way. Some of the chicks got confused on which hen was their mom. The hens do not tolerate another hen’s chicks and ran them from quickly. The chicks all ended up back with their mom and they all went about their own ways. One set of chicks ended up under one bush and the other set went under another bush to hide out. 

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