Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 26

Today Takua just laid right down in the middle of the hay. It made me nervous. He was fine though. Chief did it, too, and so did Jeb. 

I watched Ronnie spray the horses tonight. It made my heart happy and made them happy, too. 

Noma and Willow ate the cow feed with Jasper again today. Good grief. They don’t try that with Alex. That’s what I find funny. 

Willow is losing her baby hair. She is turning darker like Pedro. She is so beautiful. 

The mares are either running Takua off their feed trough or he doesn’t like the supplements that was put in. He wouldn’t eat it tonight. He went to take Jeb’s. Jeb is kind enough to share. He is the best horse. Ronnie went and got Takua another bowl and gave him more feed. He ate that up quick. Jeb helped though. We may have solved one of the issues that has been happening. 

Takua, Spots, and Saverine have not been in this part of the country long and they have struggled this summer with keeping on weight. We think it might be the difference in climate. They are looking better though. 

Word of the day is answers. Psalm 91:5

August 25

There was a lot of togetherness today. The dogs ran out and the donkeys were intrigued. The cats were laying around with the chickens. 

This morning, Jelly was jumping between hay bales. It was so funny to watch. 

I did get to spray the horses down today. They seemed to enjoy it. 

The pigs are all doing well. They have no issues that I can see. 

They are loving the mud. That and food are all they care about. 
Spots is still impatient over food and will paw at the feed trough until the food comes her way. She is something. 

Word of the day is harmony. Psalm 133:1

August 24

I watched this morning Jelly laying out in the pasture with the horses all around. I had to laugh. The horses were looking at him like what are you doing. 

It was a beautiful morning with cooler temps and the sun shining. I was grateful for the cooler temps. 

The horses are enjoying their minerals and hay. I’m so glad they have that stuff. They needed it. 

I put out chicken feed and of course, here comes Hercules to eat it. He loves it. I laugh about it. 

Willow is enjoying running around the pasture more and more. She is getting rid of lots of energy. She is super cute. 

I was trying to get Willow to show me her teeth and she finally did. 

Noma and Willow are still sweet with each other. They have a sweet mother and daughter relationship. 

Noma let me pet her again today. That’s three days in a row. I couldn’t believe it. 

Word of the day is trust. Psalm 37:3

August 23

I saw something today that just hit me. As I was driving down a back road to get home, a mother deer ran out in front of me. I was a little down the road, so it was not a close call or anything, but as I continued closer, I saw a baby wanting to cross the street to be with her mom. The doe was running fast. The baby was scared to run across the road. When the baby saw me, she ran the opposite way from her mom. The mom kept turning and looking back. As I drove closer, the baby was hiding behind a building. It was so sad to see them separated. It really broke my heart. I hope the mom came back for the baby. 

When I got home, Bubba was playing with a mouse toy. I like to see him playing. He is old and sick, so just him playing for a few minutes is good to see. 

Ronnie hit a vulture today driving. It looked bad. The windshield was dented in and there was glass in the truck. He had to get a new windshield and luckily he was okay. I couldn’t believe how bad it was. 

The donkeys and goats were all together under a tree trying to beat the heat. I do love to see them all together. 

The baby chicks aren’t so little anymore. They are still hiding in the weeds to beat the heat. 

Noma has decided she likes the cow feed better. She and Willow are now trying to eat with Jasper. Jasper tries to get them with his horns, but they watch for them closely. 

Chief’s eye is still draining and he is keeping it closed. He looks like he is in some pain. It is looking a little better, but not enough. 

Mattie seems to be liking the pen. He gets all the hay he wants and he is left alone. I don’t like him being in there, but he seems fine. 

Noma came up to me again. This time I had taken some cow cubes and gave them to her. It was sweet that she came to me. 

Willow is still trying to be friends with the horses. Chief did not appreciate it today. He let her know it, too. 

Jelly has been home more lately. I sure do love that he is home more. 

The clouds were beautiful tonight. I thought it looked like it might rain, but it wasn’t in the forecast and it did not rain. 

I was glad to see the donkeys at the water trough at sunset. That means they are still coming to the barn area at night. 

Word of the day is separation. Romans 8:38-39

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

August 22

The temps are falling a bit. Oh I’m so glad. I don’t know how long it will last. 
I got to see Jelly and Yeller this morning. They were just relaxing at home. They have a sweet relationship for sure. 

Jelly likes to talk to me when I talk to him. It cracks me up. I love it. 

The horses are loving the hay. They won’t stop eating, but I don’t blame them. They need it. 

When I got home, Ronnie had finished most of the chores, done the dishes and cooked dinner. I’m so lucky to have found him. 
I did check on the animals and they seem to be doing well. 

Chief’s eye is still looking rough. I’m keeping an eye on it. It might be a little better. 

The horses were still loving the hay at the end of the day. 

Word of the day is glad. Psalm 32:11

August 21

This morning, the hay we bought was delivered. Let me tell you, that’s exciting stuff for us. We have needed it so badly and been unable to find it. We finally found some. It’s a blessing that we have been able to afford it. It’s horrible with the prices. However, we have 18 bales of hay for these horses. That’s amazing. 

I witnessed the cows and donkeys playing nice over the hay bale in their pasture. That’s nice to see. 

I watched the chicks around Yeller this morning. That is a funny scene to watch. At least no one was hurt. They seemed like they were getting along. 

When I came home, Jelly was home. I love to see him at home. I wish he would stay home all the time, but he has a free spirit. 

The pigs are all doing well. I’m so glad. They sure are not complaining for sure. 

Chief is still having eye trouble. I have no idea what to do for him. I really don’t think he can see out of that eye. He is keeping it closed most of the time and it’s still draining quite a bit.  

Jasper was eating from where Noma and Willow usually eat. When he saw me coming, he walked away and he looked back at me with this guilty look. 

Ronnie put a hay bale out for the horses and they were so excited. They also got a new mineral bale. They had a good night. 

Word of the day is blessing. Proverbs 22:9