Friday, August 18, 2023

August 14

The weather was better today. It was cooler and the wind was blowing. It was much needed. I know it’s going to be warm again later this week, but today was nice. 
This morning, my car kind of took a minute to start, but I had not been anywhere in a couple days, so I didn’t think much of it. Later when I was leaving work, it did it again. By the time I was leaving my second job, my car almost didn’t start. I did make it home. Ronnie was checking it out. I figured it was the battery. He did, too. When he was going to get a new battery, the car would not start anymore. He was able to get a battery and get it fixed up. Thank goodness. 

I noticed Chief had another bite on him. He has been a bully for a long time and it looks like the other horses are starting to fight back. Spots also has a swollen knee. I’m sure it’s from fighting. Ronnie noticed it a few days ago and has been keeping an eye on her. She is not limping or anything so that’s good. 

The donkeys all let me pet and love on them tonight. It does look like they have continued to play rough. They all have scratches and stuff on them. 

Ned was all smiles tonight. He sure is a happy donkey. Red seemed down in the dumps and I have never seen that before. I don’t like to see that. He did perk up a bit with some attention. I will have to keep checking on him. 

My little unicorn goat is no longer a unicorn. His horn is gone. I have no idea what happened to it but it’s not there anymore. 

I watched Jeb kick at Chief over hay. I have never seen that before. Jeb is the most chill of all of them. I could not believe that. I hope that nonsense stops. 

Willow is still running around without a care in the world. She is amazing and so fun to watch. 

Yeller made himself comfortable in the background with the dogs on top of a water trough. He is super cute. 

Pepper is not doing well. She got under the deck like she does everyday. She acted like she couldn’t get out of there. She fought me and tried to bite me. She didn’t want to go. Once I back away from her, she came out on her own. I know she doesn’t feel well. I’m worried about her. 

Bubba won’t leave Ronnie’s side these days. It’s so funny. 

Word of the day is unexpected. James 4:13-14

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