Friday, August 18, 2023

August 18

It was another super hot day. It was miserable outside. I am hanging in there though. It could always be worse. 
As I was leaving for work, I noticed another chicken crossing the road. I am missing a chicken who looks just like that one I saw. I’m not sure what Thelma was doing, but I’m wondering if Louise is over there sitting on eggs or something. If that’s not the case, I have no idea what has happened to Louise. I did see Thelma when I got home, but still no Louise. 

Later when I got I saw Suzie Q trying to lay an egg. I made her get up and move around some. That’s only because I have lost a couple while trying to lay eggs in this heat. I wanted to make sure she was okay. She seemed to be. 

I also saw a huge group of chickens under the bush in the front trying to stay cool. They looked miserable. 

Chief looks rough. His eye is better, but I’m afraid he is now visually impaired. That eye is really cloudy now. I’m concerned about him. 

Jasper, Willow, and Noma were trying to steal Mattie’s hay. I’m sure they didn’t get much of it. Alex had already taken the rest of Jasper’s feed. 

The donkeys were hanging out under the trees this evening to stay in the shade. 

The horses are starting to put weight on and we have a new plan to get us some round bales. We need those desperately. It’s been hard to find the hay we need. 

Lester healed up and is back to his normal self. I’m glad of that. 

The pigs are all still doing well also. It’s been a brutal summer for them. 

Willow is still trying to make friends with the horses but the horses do not care for her. 

Word of the day is concern. Romans 13:8

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