Friday, August 18, 2023

August 12

I went out to start working outside with our volunteer who comes on the weekend. The donkeys were at the fence. I could not see Pedro. So, I went in the pasture to find him. He was not too far away. I was able to love on them all. 

After that, the volunteer and I cleaned out some stuff from shop and got a few other things completed. We also worked on stuff for the walk coming up. It nice to have some help. 
The animals were beating the heat in their shelters. I’m grateful they have them. 

Sonny found a cool spot in the dirt. He is something else. 

Cinderella let me pet her. She may have been frozen, but she did let me pet her. 

Penny has been looking rough, I accidentally cracked an egg and so I gave it to her. 

The horses have been looking skinny lately, but we have desperately been doing everything we can to put weight on them. It’s been so rough with prices and not being able to find what we need to help them, but we are working on it and the horses are looking better. I’m so glad. I have been so concerned and so has Ronnie. That says something right there. 

The goats have the right idea, they have been laying under the shade tree in the hottest part of the day. They are smart. 

Chief had a big bite on his shoulder today. I guess someone got him back for being a big bully. Hopefully it did some good. We will see. 

Word of the day is helping. Romans 12:13

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