Thursday, August 17, 2023

August 10

It was hot and humid today with a threat of rain. Oh how I hoped it would rain. I was not holding my breath. I was hopeful though. It’s west Texas, you never know what it is going to do.

I noticed another fire on my way home in a neighboring town. It’s so scary to see that. 

Ronnie found an area the chickens had been laying. We had not been checking that area for a few days and there were 23 eggs there. 

I noticed the goats walking the line to get to where the donkeys were tonight. That is so funny to me. 

The cows were so grateful for the cooler air this evening with the rain coming in. They would hold their head up into the wind. I think we were all grateful for the cooler air. 

I went into Mattie’s pen to work with him a little. He was happy for the company. I love him so much. I am ready to get him out of that pen. 

While feeding there was a nice cool breeze and the clouds were turning dark. I was getting more hopeful for the rain. 

The wind was picking up and I saw some dust storms coming through. 

The clouds were beautiful. I have missed that in this heat. The donkeys and cows were enjoying it. 

The horses sure enjoy their hay in the morning and evening. We are looking for hay bales for them. Hopefully we will have a few next week. 

It did rain. It did not rain too much, but it did rain. The thunder and lightning woke me up and then the electricity went out. I was grateful it only went out for a few minutes. 
Word of the day is hopeful. Romans 12:12

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