Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 26

Today Takua just laid right down in the middle of the hay. It made me nervous. He was fine though. Chief did it, too, and so did Jeb. 

I watched Ronnie spray the horses tonight. It made my heart happy and made them happy, too. 

Noma and Willow ate the cow feed with Jasper again today. Good grief. They don’t try that with Alex. That’s what I find funny. 

Willow is losing her baby hair. She is turning darker like Pedro. She is so beautiful. 

The mares are either running Takua off their feed trough or he doesn’t like the supplements that was put in. He wouldn’t eat it tonight. He went to take Jeb’s. Jeb is kind enough to share. He is the best horse. Ronnie went and got Takua another bowl and gave him more feed. He ate that up quick. Jeb helped though. We may have solved one of the issues that has been happening. 

Takua, Spots, and Saverine have not been in this part of the country long and they have struggled this summer with keeping on weight. We think it might be the difference in climate. They are looking better though. 

Word of the day is answers. Psalm 91:5

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