Friday, August 18, 2023

August 16

It was 100 degrees today, but honestly, it was not terrible. Yes, it was hot, but the breeze was there, so that made it better. 
Ronnie worked late, so he was not home to feed today. I did it by myself like I used to. 
I put out chicken feed and of course Hercules had to eat with the chickens. That goat is something else. He is always into something he shouldn’t. 

Tinkerbelle was looking dehydrated, so I added some water to her feed and Cinderella’s feed. Both of them looked at me like I had bumped my head. I added a little more feed and they decided to go ahead and eat it. That’s all they were getting, so I’m glad they ate it. 

I got to love on Noma today. I soak that up anytime I get the chance. I had feed obviously but I got to love on her. I still wish she would let her guard down a little. She is loved so much, but she still doesn’t realize it. 

I finally figured out what plant is causing the devil’s claw. I found it so interesting. It’s the only plant in the pasture the animals will not eat. I should have known then. 

I got to spray the horses down tonight. They are looking better. I’m so grateful for that. Spots has gotten into something though. She has a cut on both front legs. I don’t know what is happening to her. 

Chief must have done something to him, too. His eye was completely closed and had some drainage coming out of it. He looked miserable. He was also jumpy. No one told me how hard it was to have horses. 

Willow was wanting to make friends with the horses, but they do not like her. Who knows why. Must be because she is a donkey. They hate Mattie, too. 

The pigs are still doing well. I’m sure it has something to do with all the water and mud they have through the day. I’m happy to see they are hanging in there. It’s been a rough summer. 

As I was finishing feeding, I was walking around turning off water and locking stuff up. I heard something running up behind me. I turned and looked and it was one of the younger chickens. I think this one will be a rooster. I scared it when I turned around. I’m not having a rooster chase me. No way. 

Word of the day is scars. Zechariah 13:6

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