Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 24

I watched this morning Jelly laying out in the pasture with the horses all around. I had to laugh. The horses were looking at him like what are you doing. 

It was a beautiful morning with cooler temps and the sun shining. I was grateful for the cooler temps. 

The horses are enjoying their minerals and hay. I’m so glad they have that stuff. They needed it. 

I put out chicken feed and of course, here comes Hercules to eat it. He loves it. I laugh about it. 

Willow is enjoying running around the pasture more and more. She is getting rid of lots of energy. She is super cute. 

I was trying to get Willow to show me her teeth and she finally did. 

Noma and Willow are still sweet with each other. They have a sweet mother and daughter relationship. 

Noma let me pet her again today. That’s three days in a row. I couldn’t believe it. 

Word of the day is trust. Psalm 37:3

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