Friday, August 4, 2023

August 3

It’s August, I should expect hot but I’m ready for like 90. That would be a cold wave for us. I could still see the moon when I left for work this morning. It was pretty. Things are looking so dry out here, we need rain badly. 

I never noticed it until today, but around Mattie’s mouth is darker and almost looks like he has lipstick on. I laughed longer than I should have at that. 

Ned and Pedro are now playing too rough. It took me a minute to see what I was seeing. It’s usually Red and Pedro and then Ned and Pete. Nope, tonight it was Ned and Pedro. 

The pigs are all doing well with staying cool. I’m so happy about that. This summer has been brutal. 

You can feel the heat just looking at pictures. So far, everyone is hanging in there. The cats aren’t the only ones skinny, the horses are also. It’s just so hot. I’ve been concerned but now Ronnie is concerned also. It’s that hot. We need rain so badly. 

Word of the day is concern. Proverbs 3:27

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