Tuesday, August 22, 2023

August 22

The temps are falling a bit. Oh I’m so glad. I don’t know how long it will last. 
I got to see Jelly and Yeller this morning. They were just relaxing at home. They have a sweet relationship for sure. 

Jelly likes to talk to me when I talk to him. It cracks me up. I love it. 

The horses are loving the hay. They won’t stop eating, but I don’t blame them. They need it. 

When I got home, Ronnie had finished most of the chores, done the dishes and cooked dinner. I’m so lucky to have found him. 
I did check on the animals and they seem to be doing well. 

Chief’s eye is still looking rough. I’m keeping an eye on it. It might be a little better. 

The horses were still loving the hay at the end of the day. 

Word of the day is glad. Psalm 32:11

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