Wednesday, August 16, 2023

August 8

Of course it’s hot again today. We are making it through. It will be cool soon enough. I’m working on being positive. 
Ronnie left the house before 5 am and didn’t get home until around 7 pm. I got home late and started working on feeding and watering the animals. It was brutally hot while completing this task. I made it though. I got it completed. 

I watched a couple of chickens in the bushes and realized why all of our bushes are dead. Not only is it super hot, but the chickens have killed them all. 

The cats continue to lay in front of the house to stay cool. They are funny. Athena was so hot and so badly did not want to move, she let me pet her. I was shocked. 

The dogs are still only going outside to use the bathroom and eat. I feel so bad for them. 

Willow is still trying to make friends with the little goats and the pigs. She is so cute. 

Tinkerbelle and Cinderella are doing what they can to stay cool. They seem okay though. 

The cows, along with Willow and Noma are staying in the shade most the time. They are doing well. 

The little goats are doing well. They are fighting like brothers. They sure are cute. 

The baby chicks are growing so fast. I know there are some roosters in there, but I’m not sure how many yet. 

Rena and Annabeth don’t realize how well they have it in the coop. There is always a breeze going through there. Their water stays cool and they are protected. However, they still want out.

The donkeys and goats were staying cooler in the barn. They rarely do that. I knew they were hot when I saw that. 

The horses are struggling. I’m struggling because they are struggling with this heat. They are okay, but they need a reprieve as much as we do. 

Spots has a big cut on her leg. I’m afraid that happened when Chief was bullying her. I sprayed it out and she will be fine. It’s already healing. 

Noma and Willow took over one of the cows’ tough, so the cow took their food tonight. 

The pigs are all doing well and I’m so grateful for that. We keep those mud holes full for them. 

Mattie is fine. He has embraced that he is in the pen, but it won’t be much longer. 

The inside cats are cuddly as ever. They don’t ever have to go outside. 

I got to see Jelly tonight. He is still coming home every night. 

I sure missed my husband tonight. I’m grateful for when he is able to help and I don’t have to do all that alone. I can do it, but I normally don’t have to anymore. 
Word of the day is alone. Proverbs 11:14

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