Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 19

It wasn’t too hot today. It made it to 103 but the wind made it better. I can handle that. However, I was super tired today and worked on some stuff for the walk in the house most of the day. I had a volunteer helping for part of the day. 
When it was time to go out and feed, Ronnie and I did it quickly. I say that, it might not have been as quick as I thought, but it felt quick. 

I did have an incident today that does not happen often. I went to feed the chickens in the coop and the donkeys surrounded the coop. Red and Pedro both are protective of me for some reason and I could not get out of the coop. When I would try to come out of the coop, those two would start fighting, so I was stuck in there. Ronnie finally came out and got them all away from the coop so I could get out. Usually they just let me out, but today they didn’t. It was weird. Red and Pedro have been fighting a lot lately, so I think that’s what the problem was. 

I went over and noticed there was a hole in the sand in the pig mud hole. What the heck that was, I have no idea. I put more wet sand or mud to cover the hole and the water stayed, so we will see what happens there. For now they have plenty of water in the mud hole. The pigs were fine though. They are all happy and healthy. 

Chief’s eye is not any better. It’s still cloudy. He is jumpy so I really wonder if he can see out of it. He is still in charge in that pasture though. 

Ronnie went over and was watching the pigs. He seems to like them more these days. I find that funny. 

Willow was aggravating Mattie. That cracks me up. He did that to her for a long time. I guess it’s payback. 

Willow is still sweet and loving to all of us. I love that about her. She doesn’t ask questions, she just loves you. 

I gave Mattie more attention tonight. He is doing well, but I’m ready for this weather to get cooler so he can go to the vet and we can get him out of the pen. I hate that he is in there. 
However, it does not seem to bother him at all. 

The donkeys were all fine after our little incident and they were heading out into the pasture. 

Word of the day is change. Isaiah 43:19

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