Sunday, August 6, 2023

August 6

It’s 107 degrees outside. I am trying not to focus on it. While out feeding and watering, it was not terrible outside because of the wind. The breeze was so fabulous. We made it through feeding time. 

The animals are all doing well. We do need some prayers this week as it will stay around 107 all week. That’s going to be hard on us all. We do take care of these animals, so we make sure the have water and fans and mud and shelter. It is hard to know what else we can do for them. We do what we know to do. 

I did find something today that has broken my heart. I know Maggie and Pepper are declining faster than I want to see. Both of them at the same time and it is beyond difficult to handle. Today as I was petting Pepper I noticed a big lump on her side. It does not feel good. It is not causing her pain as she did not even flinch when I found it. It just proves to me that my time is more limited than I thought. It’s just so hard. I am not going to do anything about it because at her age, there is not much they can do. It just breaks my heart. 

Word of the day is observation. Deuteronomy 6:25

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