Friday, August 4, 2023

August 4

Another brutal hot summer day. Oh come on cool weather. We need a reprieve. It’s miserable. My husband has been so good this week at getting home and doing most of the feeding because he does not want me in the heat. 

It’s so hot the cats and chickens are all laying in front of the house to feel the breeze and lay by the water bowl. I feel so awful for them. The temps are supposed to be even higher next week. I’m going to be praying that changes or at least the animals will be protected from it. 

The animals are laying on the ground where the cool water has spilled over to stay cool. Y’all, that is so sad. I know there is nothing we can do about the weather, but this is so bad. 

It’s so hot today, Maggie did not want to eat, but the chickens ate the rest of her food. I hate it for them. The dogs only come out for a few minutes at a time because of the heat. 

Word of the day is reprieve. Joel 2:14

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