Thursday, August 17, 2023

August 9

It was another hot day. Ronnie left early and came home late from work. I knew it was happening, so I knew I would be feeding and watering. When I went out to feed, I keep smelling smoke. I kept looking around, but could not find where it was coming from. I was nervous. It’s so hot and dry here, fires are always a possibility. When Ronnie finally did come home, he asked if we had water. I know I looked at him funny because I was watering the animals. Apparently the water department was on fire. The firefighters were trying to put the fire out. 

I watched the donkeys and goats walking the lines they had put into the fields. They just move around through the lines like that’s how life works. If only that were true. 

Willow decided to eat the cow food and so they cow ate with Noma. It was such a strange thing to see. That really happened.

I went over to feed the horses and noticed they had turned the feed trough over. I tried to reach through the fencing to get to the trough, but I could not reach it. I hated to do it but I had to put the feed on the ground. 

I cannot ever focus on one thing with feeding and watering, so I flooded the pig pen. They did not care. They loved it. They need it anyway. 

I was able to spray the pigs with the hose today and they were hot enough they did not care. That’s a first. 
Willow was sweet with wanting attention this evening. I sure do love her. 

I got some new pig solar lights to put in the yard. They are cute. I don’t get stuff like that too often but they were on clearance. 

Ursula has started pulling down my curtains during the day the middle of the night. I’m not sure why she is doing that. I haven’t figured it out yet. 

I took a picture of Ursula that made her evil looking, but I sure do love her. 

Word of the day is danger. 1 Peter 4:12

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