Friday, August 18, 2023

August 17

The weather was not bad to bad today. It was still warm out, but not bad. I was glad about it. It looked like rain in an area today, but it didn’t make it to our house. 

The first thing that happened today was I slept through my alarm. That thing went off for a good half hour. Ursula came and sat down beside me and cuddled next to me which is what finally woke me up. I was so happy she did that this morning. 

The donkeys were under a tree in the pasture when I got home. I am not sure why I love to see that, but I do. 

Chief’s eye is looking better. It is at least opened. You can tell it is bothering him, but it’s better. 

Mattie threw a big fit about not getting his food first like normal. He was rolling around on the ground and trying to get his head under some fencing. We love him but he is a brat. 

The donkeys and cows got a new hay bale today. Willow was happy about it. She started eating away on that bale. While Willow was eating, one of the cows startled her and she kicked at him and ran, almost right into me. I was laughing and she stopped before she got to me. 

I got to hang out with the donkeys some tonight. I sure do love that. They are such loving things, to me anyway. 

I watched Pete trying to stomp on a bird. I’m not shocked, but I was grateful he did not get the bird. 

I watched some chickens cooling off in the water bowl. I had to laugh. They are smart. 

Bubba came and sat in my lap. Persia was sitting beside me. She just put her little paw on Bubba. It was cute to see. 

Word of the day is happy. Proverbs10:28

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