Friday, August 18, 2023

August 13

Today is my resting day. There is not much resting to be honest. I still have laundry to do and paperwork to do and all that stuff. It has to be done, so today is the day to do it. 
I did receive the initial edit back on my upcoming book, so I finished that up. It will then go back to editing and I will do it all over again. It wasn’t bad though. I am anxious for it to be completed. Ursula never left my side while I was editing. 

Ronnie and I got feeding done quickly tonight. It was 104 while feeding. That’s just hot, but those faces make it worth it. 

The cows did something funny tonight. It was almost like they were playing Marco Polo. They got separated and they were mooing at each other to see where the other one was. It was really funny. I would call that bonded. 

The temps look like they are going down next week which I’m excited about. It could change at any moment, but I’m hoping the temps are getting lower. 

Word of the day is excitement. Isaiah 43:19

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