Friday, August 4, 2023

August 1

You guessed it, it’s another hot day. It really is miserable. I am hoping it cools off soon. I had to stop to get gas and I kept hearing a dog crying. I couldn’t find the dog. I finally spotted the dog and it was in a bag on the back of the owner’s motorcycle. How sweet, except it’s so hot. 

I watched Willow trying to interacting with the pigs. She is really trying to be friends with the other animals. It’s kinda funny, but I remember Mattie doing the same thing. The pigs are not accepting of her. 

I turned the water on for the pigs and apparently the hose was in the wrong spot, so there was water everywhere. They seemed happy about it. 

Lester is looking so much better. It is looking like he will make it. That makes me happy. 

I caught a few moments of watching Rojo with his flock. He is such a beautiful rooster. 

Later I watched Willow running back and forth with the goats. It’s really cute. I’m not sure if she will accept them. 

The donkeys all came in when it started to get dark. They sure are smart. 

The horses were all on alert except for Jeb. I never saw anything but it looked like they were watching something. That’s a good way to freak me out. 

I got to see the cats tonight. They are so skinny that it concerns me, but they were last year at this time also. It’s just too hot. 

Word of the day is acceptance. Romans15:7

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