Monday, July 31, 2023

July 31

It was about 100 degrees today. Not terrible. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hot, but bearable. 

This morning started out wild. It’s Monday, so you know, it has to be wild. Ursula was falling off the bathroom counter and grabbed on to me with a claw. I do have some puncture wounds, but not too bad. Then I couldn’t find Persia. I looked everywhere and finally got Ronnie to help me. I finally noticed a bulge on the floor underneath a towel. I walked over and checked and there was Persia. Good grief, it was too early for that. All was well so I went to work. 

I have been working more hours, so I was late coming home. Luckily, Ronnie was almost finished feeding when I got home. I was able to help a little. 

The little goats were fighting over feed. I don’t know why I feel like that’s so funny, but I do. 

I finally got a better picture of the inside of the cow’s mouth for my sister. She was appreciative. I was glad because that took some time and patience to get. 

Willow was trying to play through the fence with Pepper and Maggie. That was so cute. 

Lester is getting better. I watched him enjoying the air from the fan in one of the shelters. 

I got some one on one time with Takua. He is such a sweet boy. I’m so glad he is okay after his ordeal. 

The three brown horses were not finished eating when Chief got finished so he went over and bullied them away from their food. I thought we were over that, but I guess not. 

Word of the day is timing. Proverbs 27:1

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