Saturday, July 8, 2023

July 6

Today was a little warm, around 93. Not terrible for around here. I’m always glad to see lower 90s. 

I got home late today. Ronnie was still gone to work and was his first day back this week from being so sick. I was in a hurry to get animals fed and watered because I was so tired. I look out the back door before going out and I see Mattie chasing Willow and has her by the neck. My heart went into my stomach. I’m not the smartest when I panic so I ran outside, no sorting flag, no rope, nothing to protect myself. When Willow and Mattie saw me they both stopped in their tracks like they had been caught doing something they shouldn’t. Go figure, kids will be kids. They just stopped and stared at me like what now? I called Ronnie but he was an hour away. 

Once I knew they would not be trying to kill each other, I went and got the sheep some hay and locked them in the far end of the pen to get Mattie into the other end. I threw the cows some hay to keep them away from what was going on. Mattie saw the hay. I talked him into following me into the pen and then closed him in. He was not mad until he was out of hay. 

I couldn’t get Mattie or Willow and Noma into the other pen because one of the animals had taken the gate off the hinges. Ronnie had to fix that when he got home. 

We talked about it and decided to get Mattie in the pen to start working with him on a halter and getting in the trailer, etc so we can get him to the vet in the near future. I got some feed out and went into the pen he was in and he just followed me right into the other pen with no problem. 

I was able to feed and water when Mattie was in the pen eating. Thank goodness for that. 

I think sometimes we see things as a big problem when I’m reality, it’s a challenge. It helps you grow as a person. It shows what you are capable of. It changes things up. 

Word of the day is challenge. 

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