Monday, July 31, 2023

July 28

Mattie’s Mountain made the front page news for the walk coming up. I’m excited and nervous about it, but it’s all going to work out. 

It’s hot today. That’s pretty normal this time of year but oh it’s so hot. The animals are feeling it. I know that because I’m feeling it. Most of the animals are doing well with staying in the shade. They are smart. 

Sonny has been in hiding since Leroy died. I cannot say I blame him. He is staying far away from the drama. 

Mattie is still hating the pen. I’m hating it, too. As soon as the weather cools, we will get him to the vet and then after he heals, he won’t have to be in the pen anymore. I can’t wait and I know he can’t either. 

Word of the day is animals. Luke 12:6

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