Monday, July 3, 2023

July 2

After having company, I was tired. I slept most of the day. As soon as my family left town, the sun came out and it got hot. I was too tired to care. I went back to bed and slept for hours. I never do that. Ursula stayed with me most of the day. Oh how I love her. 

All the animals were doing well. It was hot but it was nothing compared to what it had been. 

The chickens and the chicks are still roosting in the dead bush up front. Ronnie said we are probably the laughingstock of the area. I thought that was funny. What was more funny is when I told him no one would notice and about that time, one of the chickens stretched their head over the top of the bush to look around. He was like, see?? I did have to laugh about that. 

Word of the day is rest. Psalm 4:8

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