Saturday, July 8, 2023

July 5

Today was 97 degrees. As long as it’s not in the hundreds, I can handle it. 

Pepper is not doing well. She is struggling as bad as Maggie with getting up and down. Ronnie and I are having to pick up their back ends to get up. I feel so bad for them and it makes me see things are coming to an end. It breaks my heart. 

Willow is getting cuter by the day. 

Noma was calmer today. She was not upset at all. She let me love on her. 

Speaking of Noma, the other new farrier we had coming this weekend was injured this week and is having to have surgery on his knee this week, so he won’t be coming this weekend. I know things happen and I cannot be mad. It does give us time to get something set up for the horses to catch them better. It’s probably a blessing. 

The dogs were cute tonight. They were wanting my attention. Well, probably not, they wanted to go inside and knew I would cave if they gave me puppy dogs eyes which is what happened.

When Ernestine looks at me, she automatically decides to be on the lookout and wants nothing to do with me. I do understand, she doesn’t know if I’m going to help her or hurt her, I guess. She should know by now I’m not going to hurt her. She is mad about getting kicked out of the shop. 

Mattie, Noma, and Willow are cute. They can eat as a family and still be separated. 

The pigs are all doing well. Russ even came over to get petting today. I couldn’t believe it. 

Ronnie is still sick, so I let the dogs out again to do their business before I went to bed. Out in the pasture by the well house, I saw a cat there. I thought it was Onyx until I saw Onyx walking up to me. I went out to the pasture slowly as not to scare the cat, but I scared him anyway. He took off. I don’t know to where but I know he will be back. I don’t know where he came from but looks well taken care of. He has been hanging around for a while now. 

It was a beautiful evening with a nice sunset. 

Word of the day is struggling. 2 Corinthians 1:9

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