Saturday, July 8, 2023

July 8

The high today was 96. It was a little hot, but this morning was nice. It looked like rain but it did not rain. I was disappointed about that, but it’s west Texas. 

Since we put Mattie in a pen, I feel horrible for him, but he will be okay. He is bored and possibly a little depressed. I went out several times to love on him. 

Willow and Noma are loving it. Noma seems less stressed out of the pen, but Willow still is not too sure about it. She is learning though. Willow followed me around the pasture a bit today. She is so cute. 

Since Mattie is in the pen, I thought I would let the sheep and some of the goats out to run around. They had the best time. However, they do still like to be in their own spaces. The sheep and the goats fought a little bit, but once they got over the fighting, they were fine. They spent the rest of the day together. They would eat and then run back into the pen and then run out again. Once they got tired they all went into the goat pen and laid down. I am glad they had such a good day. 

I wanted Willow to get used to them, but she only went near them one time and that was to chase them and then went back to Noma. She just had no interest in them. I find that interesting. 
She did find the other donkeys interesting. She was saying hello from the fence. They seemed intrigued by her also. She finally got shy and left the fence line. 

Once feeding time came, the little goats ran back into their pen like they knew what was happening. 

The sheep were a little different but they were not a problem to get back in the pen. On the way back, Willow took a small interest in the sheep. It was cute. 

I missed it, but Ronnie saw Mattie carrying around his bowl in his mouth in his pen like come on, I’m hungry. 

I got some funny photos of Spots today. They sure made me laugh. 

I got some smiles from the donkeys today also. I got three out of four donkey smiles. That has to be a record for one day. It’s usually only Ned. 

Word of the day is living in the moment. James 4:14

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