Monday, July 31, 2023

July 23

It looks like the chickens have taken up with the dogs without issue. I find that funny. They all live in harmony. Well, until the chickens try to eat the dogs food. 

The donkeys and goats in the pasture do seem hot like everyone else, but they look like they are getting along fine. They are still grazing out in the pasture without an issue. 

My sister had wanted me to get a picture of the inside of the cow’s mouth. It did not go so well and I couldn’t get a picture of the inside. The cows are cute anyway. 

I noticed Fred looked like he had been attacked recently. He is missing some of his tail feathers. Other then that, he seems fine, but it’s obvious one of the roosters had attacked. 

I caught Mattie and Willow scratching each other’s back with their teeth. It was cute to see them. I know they are loving each other after watching that. 

We had a rough evening. Takua was suffering from choke. Spots went with him when he was obvious he was in distress. This went on for hours. Ronnie kept getting up in the middle of the night to check on him. He was not looking good. It was Sunday night and there was no one to call for help, so he continued to watch him as awful as it was. We started praying and trusted things would work out. 

Word of the day is loving others. John 13:34

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