Monday, July 10, 2023

July 10

Well, the hot weather is here again this week. It was 104 today. This evening, I thought it was going to storm. There was some thunder and lightning all around us but we only got a sprinkle. It may rain later, but it’s looking like it may have passed us. 

Mattie is hating that pen. He will stick his head in the fencing and move it. I know he hates it and I hate it, too, but it’s necessary until he can go to the vet. 

The clouds were beautiful around the animals. I wish it had rained, it would have cooled them off also. 

Willow gave Ronnie some attention today. She certainly has taken a page out of Mattie’s book and is becoming quite the social butterfly. 

Ronnie found the area where the chickens were laying a lot of eggs. There were almost 30 eggs in that spot. Now to water test them and see what is good and what isn’t. 

The cows got a new hay bale today. Not long after starting to eat, Alex was already tangled up in the string. He is such a mess. 

The baby chicks are growing fast. They are starting to show some personality. 

Noma is not penned up and she still let me pet her. That’s quite a win in my book. She does not like it, but she allowed me to do it anyway. 

It was a pretty normal day today in our routines. 
Word of the day is routine. Revelation 4:11

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