Monday, July 31, 2023

July 24

Takua was looking better this morning. He did not want to be around the other horses, but he was still up and he was moving around. That was an improvement. 

When I got home from work, Takua was drinking. He looked so much better. That was scary. Ronnie and I both felt helpless with Takua having choke. It was awful. Takua continued to drink plenty of water. He did not eat. I don’t blame him. I would be scared to eat after all that also. 

I through out some chicken feed for the chickens, but it looked like the goats and donkeys ate that for the chickens. I have to laugh about it. They do whatever they want. 

Sonny is trying to be friends with the baby chicks. I think they are getting along pretty well. It’s funny to watch them. 

Word of the day is fear. Psalm 34:4-5

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