Friday, July 21, 2023

July 20

The heat is starting to get go away a bit. The high was 100 today. It was still hot, but it was not too bad. 
Those chicks are growing so fast. They are starting to get personalities and figuring out who they are. It’s fun to watch them growing into themselves. 

The goats sure know how to stay cool. They were in the barn and laying down. They did not want to get up. I don’t blame them. 

I do believe there are a couple of roosters in that latest clutch of eggs. Hopefully it’s only two out of the remaining thirteen. I was hoping for none. That’s the last thing we need around here. 
The cats are all staying cool in the front of the house in the shade. 

Yeller is looking sick. He had a snotty nose and it looks like he may have been attacked. His ears are bloody, but he doesn’t act like he is in pain or anything. I will keep an eye on him. 

Athena let me pet her today without running off. That’s unusual but I will take it. Onyx always lets me pet her. 

Noma has been getting up and moving more. She is moving around the pasture with Willow. I’m glad to see that. 

I gave the pigs some hay today. They love it. I’m glad to spoil them sometimes. 

The donkeys were playing in the pasture again today. They look like they are having some fun. 

Rena let me hold her. I mean, I did not give her an option and had to catch her, but once I did, she relaxed a bit. She is doing so much better and can walk normally now. 

Willow is so sweet. I got a selfie with her and Noma. Noma is looking at me like what are you doing, but Willow loves me. 

Word of the day is pleasant. Proverbs 22:18

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