Saturday, July 22, 2023

July 22

It was a nice day today. High was around 93. It was humid which is not normal, but it was supposed to rain this morning. It never did, but it looked like it could have. 

Ronnie and I don’t leave the farm too often and we need to every once in a while, so we left the farm today and went to a neighboring town. We went to eat, saw some prairie dogs, went to a museum, and went to a store to look around. It was a nice getaway for a few hours. 

We got home and fed and watered. The donkeys were acting all mad at each other and I barely missed getting in the middle of a donkey scuffle. I never want to be close to those. 

Pedro and Willow were interacting and I still find that so cute. 
The sheep were sharing food with a chicken. That cracks me up. 

Willow was trying to eat the goat food. She could not get through the fencing lucky for them. 

It’s funny, we have two chickens that are terrified of everything right now, but they were eating with Noma. 

Mattie is getting used to the pen and is not acting out. It’s about time to start working with him. 

Willow is just a joy to be around. She is so fun. 

Noma let me get close to her again. I am going to keep trying with her. 

Everyone seemed to be fine. 
I’m glad Ronnie and I were able to get out and about. It gives us time to relax and it gives us time to get to get some rest from the farm. We love it but sometimes get a little burnt out and no one likes that. 
Word of the day is burnt out. Isaiah 40:29

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